Monday, July 1, 2013

My Exam Collection

The whole collection is inspired by the white deserts and riveting spirit of Mexico. I spend two months on creating this collection, from idea to the last finished product- you can see the result  there!

Enjoy :)

Oversized t-shirt with a girl and a vulture print on. The drawing is my hand drawn illustration :)

Skater blouse with my drawing print on again!

Coat inspired by poncho- with cape, which opens at the arm point. 
Belt , sleeves and lapel are made from the separate fabric- coat made from white wool..:)

Sunday, June 16, 2013

There she is

Through the packing time and exam work, I found two evenings/nights for this lady. I am really happy with her, I finally got a fresh drawing power

Friday, June 14, 2013

Hvide Sande

Couple of days ago I finally had the opportunity to visit one of the most beautiful places in Denmark. Hvide Sande- that's the name of a danish beach, placed in Ringkobing. 

I felt so relaxed, so calm and happy there- it's my place. I love sand, waves, the loud sound of water, wind, sea shells and stones. This could be my environment forever- but I only had one hour to boost my happiness. 

See the pictures- get a little feeling!

And this is what I recently started to draw- inspired by everything I saw in Hvide Sande.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Ewa Chodakowska

*Kiedy Ewa wrzucila fantastyczne, zadnym photoshopem nietkniete swoje zdjecie na fanpage na facebooku, oszalalam. Zdjecie tak mi sie spodobalo ze postanowilam ja narysowac i dodac cos od siebie..:)

Od stycznia jestem jej wielka fanka- ruszyla mnie z kanapy i swoimi darmowymi materialami zachecila do walki o nowe cialo. Dzieki niej przestalam wylewac sie ze spodni, przestalam sie garbic i nabralam wiecej pewnosci siebie... 

Czulam ze moje dziekuje w morzu dziekujacych dziewczyn jest niewystarczajace- postanowilam wiec podziekowac na swoj sposob..:)

Podoba wam sie Ewcia spod mojego olowka? :) 

*When my beloved polish trainer who recently became well known from great workouts and attitude towards each person added a new photo of herself on facebook which haven't been touched with the magical wand of photoshop- I got crazy. I liked the picture so much that I decided to draw her portrait with a bit influence of my style..

I started my workouts with her  in January and quickly became one of her biggest fans- not only she forced me to excersise and fight for a better body, but also she repaired my hunchback a'like back.

I felt that my thank you in the crowd of thank you'ing people is not enough. I decided to say thank you in my own way.

How do you like my thank you result? :) 

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Little sneak peak on my collection for exam..:)

That's a t-shirt :)!

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Sunday, March 31, 2013

balmain-ish jacket/the final look

Dzisiejsza notka pokazuje efekt mojej kilkudniowej pracy na którą składało się projektowanie, wybór materiału ( czyli jeansu ) i jego wybielanie, tworzenie wykroju od podstaw, tworzenie prototypu , wykrawanie już z ostatecznego materiału, zszywanie, plotkowanie z moją ulubioną psiapsiółą Karoliną o wszystkim tylko nie o pracy,  prasowanie, no i oczywiscie na końcu- tworzenie dodatków :) Ah zapomniałabym dodać o najtrudniejszym- wszywanie podszewki!

Mam nadzieję że kurtka oddaje ducha Balmain, do końca nie byłam pewna czy wszystko wypali, ale uszyłam i sama z siebie jestem zadowolona.. A wam jak się podoba? :)
Na zdjęciu słabo widać, przód jest pikowany:)

Today's post reveals the effect of my  work which took couple of days and which consisted of designing, choosing fabrics ( which is jeans ) and its bleaching, making pattern from the basis, making prototype, cutting  pieces from the final fabrics , sewing, chatting with my favourite girl Karolina about everything which is not work, ironing and finaly- making details :)

I really hope that the jacket keeps the spirit of Balmain , I wasn't sure of anything til very end if everything will be fine, but now I am done and a bit happy about it.. And you guys, what are your opinions? :))
Picture doesn't show that the front is quilted :)

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Balmain-ish Jacket

Czwartkowy wieczór spędzam przy dziubaniu pikowanego wzorku z koralików :) Robota przyjemna, aczkolwiek zbliżam się ku końcowi koralików- jak zwykle źle oszacowałam potrzebną ilość- i zaczyna mnie to nieco stresować, zaczełam dopiero pierwszą 'narzutkę' na ramię..

This Thursday evening is enriched with embroidery work. It's not that bad job, but I am almost out of beads, even thouugh I just started- it's again that I haven't properly estimated the amount of needed beads- so I am kind of freaking out.. Well, hopefully I will find some more in my 'little cute stuff box' :)

little zoom into embroidery and accidental 'soo damn hiigh' face..:) 

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Uszyłaaaaaam :)!! Teraz tylko czekam na słonce, coby się opalić- ale szybko słoneczka nie będzie, dziś od rana w Danii sypie sniegiem...

Finished! Now, I only miss sun to not be pale as white wall anymore, but it doesn't seem to happen soon- today I was cheered by the snowy view outside the window... 

Friday, March 15, 2013

Busy day

*Nowa projekt czas start- kolekcja. W TEKO niemal każdy projekt związany z projektowaniem opiera się na tworzeniu kreacji w oparciu o kolekcje istniejących już firm/domów mody/ designerów. Na samym początku wymaga się od nas dogłębnej analizy ( tak zwane design dna ) które pozwala nam na przestudiowanie dotychczasowej kolekcji firemki którą sobie wybraliśmy. Ja, fanka cekinów, perelek, koralików i drobnych detali, wybrałam jeden ze swoich ulubionych domów mody- Balmain. Obecny projektant to przeuroczy i bardzo utalentowany młodziak, który bardzo nieoczekiwanie wskoczył na swoje stanowisko i niesamowicie dobrze sobie radzi.

*The new project is already on- collection development. At TEKO, most of the projects are based on designing for an already existing fashion company. From the very beginning each of us start from analyzing called design dna which allows us to get familiar with collections and the style of the company we have chosen. Well, I am a big fan of cequins, embroidery, pearls, beads and little details, so I chose one of my most beloved fashion designers, BALMAIN. The current  designer is a cute and very talented young man, who has taken control over the fashion house very unexpectedly, but he is doing so damn well... I am in love with his collections.

Na początku skupiłam się na atmosferze jaka panuje w kolekcjach Balmain'a  i stworzyłam moodboard:
At the beggining I have created a moodboard of the Balmain's collections:

Następnie stworzyłam atmosferę jaką ja bym chciała wprowadzić :
And next the moodboard on which basis I will create on:

I proces rysunkowy..
And next- the drawing process..

Wybrałyśmy się z dziewczynami do sklepu z materiałami , upolowałam worek cudów:
Me and my friends also went to a fabric store where I have found a bag of little precious things :

I oczywiscie, materiały :
And of course, some fabrics:

Ale żaden z nich nie jest do kolekcji- od góry będzie : koszulka, podszewka, koszulka :)
But none of these fabrics are for collection :  it will be a t-shirt, lining and a t-shirt :) 

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Time of the beautifull sun has finally begun. Although once we hear about some random snow falls- it's March already, birds are singing and day is getting longer and longer!
I have just received a message from my boyfriend from brussels, that's hell snowing out there. Well, go home winter, you're seriously drunk!!  :)

And one thing I have scanned yesterday: 

Have a nice, hopefully not snowy day!!

Thursday, February 28, 2013

It was a beautifull morning

Some of you don't even probably realize how tricky the danish weather can be.
Today I woke up with the sun beams on my face at 7.11, opened the window and just couldn't get happy  enough of sun. I took some random pictures as a proof- I say a proof, because then, hour later, it became cloudy, dark and cold..

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Okay, I haven't been that lazy at lesson.. :) I've never treated Illustator as my most favourite tool for creating fashion illustrations, butI must admit now that.. I liked it. I really really like it now. It's just a matter of mastering the tools like pen tool and playing with vectors. My skills with choosing the colour are not that awesome, but still- I am proud of my third attempt to that pogramme ! :) 

Fun at graphic

What is currently Maria doing when supposed to draw fashion illustration in Illustrator at the lecture? Playing in Photoshop ! :) I am fed up with taking pictures at home and then putting so much effort to actually make something nice in photoshop, so when I found the scanner thing in one of my school buildings I got delighted ! :) Now is waaay much better..

There is another project coming, now we are supposed to sew a jacket- lining, pockets, lapel, buttons.. Getting ready for some reeealy hard work ! I am really glad my pants were warmly welcomed.. What a pitty I cant fit them! But no worries, since I am a pattern master, I will make one pair for me :)

Have a nice day people!!